So I’m getting a image of the current scene with a scene capture 2d and can use it with a rendertarget. Now, is it possible to get the average color of this texture using blueprints only (or very basic C++)?
If it isn’t directly possible I thought about blurring the texture heavily and just reading the color of the center pixel. Would that be doable?
I need the color for further stuff in a RGB format is possible.
The HUD:
The material:
The result:
The material currently has the base color white for testing, as you notice the color of the HUD is still black though.
The MaterialExpressionTextureSampleParameter2D_6 is somehow the color of the first pixel of the texture. When I draw this on the HUD via Emissive Color (since Base Color doesn’t work), it gets dimmed by black heavily.
What am I doing wrong here and how do I get the average color?