Hi . I sent you a PM as well
I sent you a PM regarding the device plugin I mentioned. Hope you have an awesome day!
Huge Mech, Tiny Pilot Can Climb on Mech Body! (like Shadow of Colossus)
Dear Community,
In this video I demonstrate my system for supporting one pawn climbing on another pawn!
In this case the tiny mech pilot can get out of the huge mech and climb around on the mech body as if the mech body where a playground!
Please note in the video that I deliberately rotate the mech at an odd rotation before having the pilot exit the mech and climb around.
My collision solution supports any animation state of the Mech body!
**My Own Mech Model**
I created the Mech model used in this video myself, and did all the animations too!
I call it the Wind Turtle! :)
The little pilot is also my own model, thought not quite as fancy as the mech :)
Hey ! Are you interested in online scifi shooter game blueprint coding job? If so add me on skype : zaikonixx and let’s talk more.
Hello !
First of all I would like to thank you for your really amazing tutorials and guides when it comes to UE4, they have been invaluable for me!
Secondly we, (the company I work at), would like to hire you for some help, I sent a pm last Friday, but following up with a post now. Are you available now during January?
Okay will do
I will reply!
I sent you a PM!
Hey ! Hope all is well! I was wondering if I could get a midi or osc plugin created that I can import into ue4 without c++. I can offer payment beforehand and give more for expedited creation.
Best regards,
Physics-Replicating Multiplayer Platformer Victory!
Dear Community,
Using a new algorithm that is a hybrid of both input replication and interpolation, I’ve now accomplished my goal of a game based on replicating player-controlled physics-simulating characters that can also platform freely!
I can now fully support the network coding for a physics-based platformer multiplayer game!
You won’t believe it but in the video below I am testing with 200 millisecond simulated lag!
The results are that good!
I am using a completely custom pawn for this, with my own skeletal mesh component! I am not using ACharacter replication system at all.
You must forgive my extreme happiness in this video.
I’ve been trying to achieve this goal of a physics-simulating multiplayer platformer for a looong time!
, sent you a pm some weeks ago.
Would be great if you could resend, I dont see a PM from you in my inbox.
Dear Community,
My C++ Dream Goal achieved, physics multiplayer platformer, this is a real game with my friend using Steam!
Hi, i sent a PM. Thanks!
I’ve sent a PM too look forward to your reply!
Sadly no reply from him yet, or skype add. =
Edit - Nvm, he is just in fact answering a LOT of PM’s but did get to me. Sorry i spoke to soon.
New Low-Level UE4 C++ Memory Management Tool For The Community!
Dear Community,
I’ve just released a new wiki that shows you how you can count references to any AActor/UObject yourself!
You can also get an Object list of exactly who is referring to your UObject!
The code is quite simple, and I am using built-in runtime engine tools.
Garbage Collection ~ Count References to Any Object
Sample output:
TArray<UObject*> Referencers;
for(UObject* Each : Referencers)
UE_LOG(YourLog,Warning,TEXT("%s"), *Each->GetName());
Oh dang thats REALLY handy i can finally figure whats keeping a reference to my actors causing a null pointer crash, Thanks !
Hi ,
I sent you a PM
4.11 BP nodes of mine that are now in-engine!
Dear Community,
In 4.11 are the BP nodes / C++ code that I contributed to the engine that Epic accepted!
1. Is Player Controlled
From the release notes:
New: Added Pawn::IsPlayerControlled() to compliment IsLocallyControlled() (thanks EverNewJoy!)
This is for BP multiplayer games!
It lets you know if the character is currently being controlled by a human player
If you combine this with IsLocallyControlled() via a macro you can find out easily if any character/pawn is being locally controlled by a human player!
From the 4.11 Release notes:
New: Vector2D now has equal and not equal functions, just like Vector3D.
2. Vector2D == Vector2D and Vector2D != Vector2D
- Get Capsule Half Height Without Hemisphere
If you are working with PhysX code a lot, you will enjoy this addition to UE4 because it gives you the half height of the capsule the same way hte PhysX engine sees it!
Are you still taking customers?