I’ve been using Automotive materials for my project, and suddenly they throw out these errors. I tried everything I’ve found but nothing resolved the issues. Checked out it’s set to Shared: Wrap tried to check the option in project settings “Clear Coat Enable Second Normal”, didn’t help.
Okay, I might find a workaround. If you enable Use Object UVs it might fix it. Sometimes needs to be done twice to work.
Enabling anisotropy could also help.
But it also can be broken again. Don’t know, worth a try…
Hope it’ll help somebody.
I am getting the same error. When I apply anything that has the M_Opaque_Master as its parent material to a skeletal mesh. Wanted to know if there is any update to this.
toggling object uvs, anistropy worked temporarily as did creating a duplicate of the opaque master but they were short lived fixes… the flag within the material master ‘use with skeletal mesh’ just resets itself on save/apply when you have turned it off [which is what i read was needed for them to ‘un-break’ the master and instances…
my fix for this was> create a new map and place a primitive in the scene. before applying a material from the pack to the primitive I went to the M_Opaque_master and removed the flag for ‘Use with Skeletal Mesh’ under Usage of this material. saved/applied the material and then added a instance of the automotive pack to the primitive.
then i returned to my main level where it was broken and the instances applied on my geo now worked [although you might need to toggle of either the is metal., use object uvs, or anisotropy to get it to recalculate and display the correct material.
my fix for this was> create a new map and place a primitive in the scene. before applying a material from the pack to the primitive I went to the M_Opaque_master and removed the flag for ‘Use with Skeletal Mesh’ under Usage of this material. saved/applied the material and then added a instance of the automotive pack to the primitive.
then i returned to my main level where it was broken and the instances applied on my geo now worked [although you might need to toggle of either the is metal., use object uvs, or anisotropy to get it to recalculate and display the correct material.