Automation Testing and HotReloads

How is this still a problem with no real solution???

My project is now starting to get to big and is getting difficult to maintain. I’d like to start writing simple unit tests to catch mistakes I make while coding (I should have been writing them all along).


The Problem:
I can get the tests to appear on the SessionFrontEnd and even executed properly, but any changes made to the test require a full editor restart after compiling each time. Simply changing an AssertTrue(“MyTest”, true) to AssertTrue(“MyTest”, false) requires a restart of the editor.

Do I need to be able to make my tests perfect the first time to minimize the amount of times restarting the editor? Is that the intent? This doesn’t make sense and makes writing tests not even worth the time.

Hopefully I’m way off here and a solution exists, but I have no idea how to get around it. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I’ve spent a lot of time looking for a solution but with no luck!
Were you able to find a work around for this?

Most of my tests are flagged as smoke tests because they are small and fast. That allows me to use UE4Editor-Win64-Debug-Cmd.exe Project.uproject -run=Engine.SmokeTestCommandlet which only runs a couple of seconds rather than waiting for the whole engine to boot up.
Could be a workaround if you don’t require hot reloading and can flag tests as smoke tests.

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Not yet, I’ve decided to take a break from writing tests and continue down the road of writing more features. I need to circle back and start looking back into this though. I think if I can’t find a way to use the session frontend with tests, I may just try doing as suggested below and use smoke tests in some command line and run them that way. Still not idea but could provide some tests at least?