Automating navigation/paths build

Is there a way to rebuild navigation paths through command line similar to ResavePackages commandlet? It would be used for as part of automating the build process with Jenkins

Same here, I tried writing a commandlet myself, but it failed because

Commandlets are executed in a “raw” environment, in which the game isn’t loaded, the client code isn’t loaded, no levels are loaded, and no actors exist.

Is it still impossible to build navigation from commandline?

I need it…

I tried this site.

UE4Editor.exe "<.uproject file>" <map name> -AutomatedMapBuild CLDesc="<commit message>" UseSCC=<true|false>

Nav build is good. but I should hidden some streaming levels. but It couldn’t it.
Anybody have some idea?

You should be able to do FNavigationSystem::Build(*World) through a commandlet. As long as -AllowCommandletRendering is set and the levels and sublevels for the world are loaded.