Automatically send crash reports UE4-27

is it possible to configure the Crash Reporter in a way, that reports get send automatically, that doesn’t require any user input? And the cherry on top would be a automatic restart of the app?
Any help would be appreciated!


For anyone wondering - by random chance I found a solution for sending the reports automatically. Add “-Unattended” as a startup parameter to your .exe and then all messages etc. that require user input will be supressed - that leads to the crash reports automatically being sent.

I found this randomly in a blog post on a unrelated topic. How do I go about finding this stuff out for myself? Is this documented somewhere? Do I have to go through the engine code myself?

I’ve been using UE4 for 4 years now and feel I’ve struck a ceiling on a lot of things, because I just don’t know where to look for stuff and find it out for myself. :confused: