I’m trying to work out a better way of debugging my projects at the moment. Currently what I do is I launch standalone game in UE4 and then attach the debugger to the process. So my question is: Is there a way to have VS automatically attach to the process for debugging? Or is there a better workflow for debugging?
Have you find an answer too you problem yet? I’m looking to do the same
I am using a VS Extension called “AttachToAny” which allows you to set up process names to attach to via a single click or a Shortcut. I set mine up to Attach to “UE4Editor.exe”. It also works with VS2015
You can use the unrealVS extension for it. It automatically attaches when you start debugging using f5.
See: Using the UnrealVS Extension for Unreal Engine C++ Projects | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation
You can select which project you want to debug and also pass additional commandline parameters. I use for example:
“$(SolutionDir)$ProjectName).uproject” -game -windowed -log -verbose