Hello everyone,
I have a problem during the automatic packaging of my projet, but before that here’s how it’s launched :
I have a build machine which uses teamcity to monitor a perforce server.
When a change is detected, teamcity will make a checkout and launch an ant script to build the projet.
The ant script is just a wrapper around “runuat.bat”.
Here’s the relevant part :
<exec executable="cmd" dir="${ue4.build}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="/c" />
<arg value="RunUAT.bat" />
<arg value="BuildCookRun" />
<arg value='-project="${ue4.runuat.project}"' />
<arg value="-noP4" />
<arg value='-platform=${ue4.runuat.platform}' />
<arg value="-allmaps" />
<arg value='-clientconfig=${ue4.runuat.clientconfig}' />
<arg value="-cook" />
<arg value="-stage" />
<arg value="-archive" />
<arg value='-archivedirectory="${ue4.runuat.archivedirectory}"' />
Here’s the generated command that will be executed
runuat.bat BuildCookRun -project=C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\6fd58aa5fd550fb0\Test.uproject -noP4 -platform=Win64 -allmaps -clientconfig=Development -cook -stage -archive -archivedirectory=C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\6fd58aa5fd550fb0\Client-build
Anyway, the whole process works, that’s not the problem.
The problem is I recently added Rama’s VictoryBPLibrary plugin as an Engine runtime plugin.
The plugin is correctly installed and works perfectly.
The problem lies with the automation process.
The cooking works without problem, but the “stage” step fails with this error :
**Stage Failed. Missing receipt ‘Test.Target’ **
This only happens on the build machine.
On my development machine, when I package the project for shipping, then there is no problem.
That’s normal, because when I do the package shipping, the receipt is generated.
I can find it in the Intermediate\Source folder.
But that doesn’t seem to be the case on the built machine.
So, does anyone know how I can make my build machine automatically generate the receipt ?
For now my project is Blueprint only, so I don’t have a “Test.Target.cs” file, should I create a dummy c++ class just to have that file ?
Is it even the same file that lies in the source folder or is it different ?
For information, yes I do have visual studio 2015 (community edition) installed on the build machine.
Even if I don’t have c++ files right now, that is “expected”, so the build machine is more or less ready to handle that.
I’m going to try to add a dummy c++ class just to see if that’ll help and report back, but if someone has an idea, I will be glad to hear it.
Thank you.