Auto Instancing vs ISM comparison (4.24)

Here’s a simple comparison of 2222 spheres, one scene as instances of Instanced Static Mesh, second scene as blueprint actors with Static Mesh Component:
Auto Instancing is turned on (checked the console command and changed the directional light Mobility, as there’s still a bug where auto instancing doesn’t work before we change light mobility).

~1.2ms with ISM vs **~5.3ms **with static mesh components with auto instancing.

It seems that for scene optimization, we still need to use the ISM or HISM. For example, for an in game building systems. That’s always quite cumbersome, since we need to operate on the instanced component and switch instances to blueprint actors counterparts when needed, and back, instead of just having a ready-to-use actors.

I wonder what’s the best use case scenario for auto instancing…? I guess that it is really useful in cases where we can’t use ISM or HISM for some reasons…? For example, for many mesh actors with active physics simulation?

When I first heard about auto instancing, I was hoping to e.g. be able to use blueprint actors for each building system placeable part, since that would be much easier - but it looks like we still need to use created/detected ISM or HISM component with the same mesh and add meshes as instances.

Well, at least it helps with moving/physics objects so that’s good :slight_smile:

I’d like to revive this post, since today I’ve found that dynamic instancing doesn’t really merge the draw calls when doing the shadow depths pass.

I’ve tried with Unreal 4.25.1 creating a scene with 10 spheres (tried both with actors and static meshes), and then I have compared this with 10 cones spawned using an ISM.

The shadow depths of the spheres:

The shadow depths of the cones with ISM:


As shown you in my post above, I get the same results from auto instancing and ISM only at the moment I disable shadows. Otherwise, the auto instancing will not merge the calls of the shadow depths, but ISM does.


Interesting, thanks for the info.

I wonder if this is a bug or a limitation of the auto instancing tech.

Yeah, I’ve asked that to the UDN, I’ll let you know if I can get an answer.

Hey @Slavq, here is the reply I got:

So yeah, ISM is still a better option because of dynamic shadows.

Thank you, that’s good to know.
… Well, let’s wait for Nanite :slight_smile:

Any Update News? I also met same questions.

Not really, unfortunately!

Any update on that?

The last news on this is here: Auto Instancing vs ISM comparison (4.24) - #7 by anonymous_user_18898678

I should try again in 4.26, I didn’t try yet.

Does auto instancing work in UE5? I can’t get it to work in UE5 EA.