This issue has been fixed in the latest version.
I am pleased to announce the latest version of the plugin!
AR Plugin V1.13 - 2018-11-13
- Updated for Unreal Engine v4.21
- Runtime permissions for Android API level 23 and higher
Available on !
In case you have already purchased the plugin you can download the latest version from your account:
If you did not create a user during the checkout process send me any email with your # order id to [EMAIL=“”] and I’ll send you a new link.
Hi, i just bought your pluggin, in your documentation does not explain how to add a new marker, is there any source that i can use to follow along to add a new marker?
And other question, i can the project in my android device(S8), but i can not package it, and i followed thoese steps in order to get it to :
To FIX that disable the following plugins:
- OnlineSubsystemNull
- OnlineSubsystemUtils
- OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay
- Android Media Player
Is there anything that i can do to fix it?
Thank you for purchasing my plugin!
Please make sure to use the most recent version, I’ve just released today for UE 4.21. It has some fixes for packaging problems on Android. I’ve sent you that version right after your purchase.
It’s not necessary to disable any plugins to package your project anymore.
To create a marker:
- Create your marker following the link below.…torial-markers
The required marker creation tool can be found in the ARToolkit 5.4 package:…Zl9eJ9BtPGQGqM
- Once you have the marker file copy it into:
(Name it like the other markers: patt.hiro for example where hiro will be the name of your marker)
In the editor locate the markers enumaration and add the name of you new marker. (Content/Blueprints)
It’s ready to use with the GetMarker node.
First i’m really thankfull for the help that you have given me, that allowed me package to android and add a new marker.
But now i am running into a problem with 2 markers, is there a way to fix this?
I’ve done this with a new project, and some simples changes to the BP code, you are able to see those changes in the end of the video.
Thank you in advance, i really hope that there a way to make this work!
I package Win64 according to your documentation operation.Always fail.Prompt error.
Thank you for reporting this problem. I’ve checked it and turned out it was because of an outdated library file. (libjpeg.lib)
I’ve updated the plugin with a newer version, and it is working now.
The new version name is : 1.13 Revision 1
Please login to you account and update. If you did not create an account just send me your order id and I’ll email you the new link.
Best Regards,
is it possible to solve my problem? We are really in a need to know if we can use two markers properly.
The AR_Actor_TOUCH blueprint has a plane that receives shadows. It’s a standard static mesh component (Cube). What you experience on the video is the occlusion of the 2 shadow receiver planes.
What you can do is to make the planes smaller to preserve shadows, or you can completely delete them.
Also I would recommend to move / rotate both marker controlled actors using rotation / position nodes, and don’t move the camera.
Can you make real tutorial from scratch? from downloading the plugin and sample project until final testing on android.
because i bought your plugin in personal license but it crashes when i open the app in my OPPO, i have no clue here, im beginner, please help
I have a SDI cam. Can I use SDI cam instead of USB cam ? And, when I put AJA plugin and this AR plugin together. Unreal4 was crashed. How to fix this problem? thx!
The plugins only works with webcams on windows and mac.
Thank you very much for your answers. one more question, if i buy the **Commercial license. **Can I use C++ code to change the camera input ? So, I can use profession cameras input
Hi i was able to fix this issue, now i can do 2 markers detection without a problem and i am very thankfull for your help.
Now i got a new problem, i’ve been looking into your code, but i wasn’t able to modify it in a way to solve the issue that i am having.
We want to be able to detect multiple markers, and when we detect them, we could walk arround the spawned models, the problem here is that the pluggin uses a fixed point to project the marker location, is there a way to feed in the camera location and rotation so we are able to achive this purpose?…noOV9_3boNTgLs
This was my failed attempt to fixe this issue, but it didn’t work.
memcpy(patt_trans, MarkersNFT*->matrix, sizeof(ARdouble) * 3 * 4);
MarkersNFT*->position = FVector(patt_trans[0][3], patt_trans[1][3], -patt_trans[2][3]);
This was my road block when i was searching to try and get a dynamic base location to work.
The work arround that i’ve made… It would be nice if you could update the pluggin to recieve a dynamic origin instead of this static one.
Hi I’m having the same problem than SatyamYadav, and i’m working with the very last version of the plugin (Plugin project example) and Unreal 4.21. Besides, I’m trying to the app to a motorola G6 phone with Android 8.0.
Does anyone have a solution? (I attach the phone log file)
You are trying to run the DEMO version on android, but it only works on windows and mac.
For mobile devices you need one of the paid versions of the plugin.
Hi , I bought the Plugin like one year ago and I downloaded the files that It´s shown in my Downloads section. Can you remember me how can I get the Full version?
Thank you
Hello emma,
Just sent you a private message.
I bought the full version 249$.
I have Window 10 64bits & Visual Studio 2017 – community editions
I executed UE4.20.3
Create a new C++ code project without starter content"
I copy the contents of the file simpleProjet in my project file
In UE4 editor File -> Refresh visual studio project (optional)
Exit from unreal engine editor
your new project from epic launcher""
I have this message
(The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version:
Would you like rebuild then now?)
after click yes
(name of the project could not be compiled.Try rebuilding from source manually.)
What to do please ?
I use a DSLR cam, and turn the hdmi into usb signal. But nothing comes up on the screen. The DSLR cam is 1080p 16:9. What should I do? Change the cam with 4:3 thx!