You don’t need the github version anymore, you can use the launcher version of the engine without rebuilding it from source.
I’m using 4.14.3 and a Nexus 7 running 6.0.1, when I package and install the ARToolkit Advanced to the device, I only get black screen When I & delopy directly to the device i get a white screen with red text “webcam init error!”.
It works using my Mac webcam, but not once deployed.
Please make sure to also generate an .obb file and install with the .bat located in the same directory.
I believe it did
If I captured a 360º pano (HDRI Pano) from a real camera, is there a way to load that into the scene as the SphereReflectionCapture so when using the AR app I can get more realistic reflections?
Any plans to add object + camera tracking so that we could do what Epic + Chevy did ? Note that OpenCV supports all that.
I bought a commercial license a created a project for iOS but when I choose an iOS device from the button the app builds and deploys but launches with an alert window in the app that says “Failed to open descriptor file ‘…/…/…/MyProject/MyProject.uproject’”. Launching in PIE on OSX and Windows are both working for me. An empty UE4 c++ project will load for me on iOS but after I copy the UE4AR assets over I get the error message above. I’m using 1.7 of the plugin and UE4 1.15.1. What am I missing?
Does this plugin work on Google Tango?
so i was browsing through this pages and am I right in thinking that this plugin does not support baked light models?..
I am thinking in using it for buildings with baked GI, so will it work?
It works with baked GI, just make sure to move the camera not the subject based on your marker rotation.
It won’t benefit from project tango like sensors. The plugin uses purely optical tracking of markers and (NFT) images.
I am not sure why is it that. Can you post me your log files to ?
Yes! You can use the BP_LightStudio blueprint from the starter content files to load HDRI pano images.
Hey ,
I’m having some problems getting this to run on iOS. I have personal license and I’m seeing various issues as described by others here. I tried to piece together various suggestions from this thread but can’t seem to get it to work.
First problem I had was the app crashing right away because I was missing the Camera request description in the plist… Adding the string below to “Additional Plist Data” fix that problem
<key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key><string>Camera is used for AR functionality</string>
The next error I was getting was
ARToolkit: ios full path camera data: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/56325818-8C5B-4C11-AF05-86124EF8E67E/
Error: Camera parameter load error !!
I noticed that ARToolkit was not being packaged in the app so based on your suggestion earlier in the thread I included ARToolkit in
Additional Non-Asset Directories to Package
Additional Non-Asset Directories to Copy
It seems though by adding ARToolkit to “to Copy” causes the “Failed to open descriptor file” error as described above and in the thread below.
So right now I just have it in “to package”. I able able to install the app on the device. I see the request for camera access which I accept but then it get’s stuck on the screen that says “Loading…”. If I restart the app then I get the white screen with “Webcam init error!”. I see this in the log file.
ARToolkit: Camera ok.
ARToolkit: Camera resolution (352,288)
ARToolkit: Camera pixel format: 3
ARToolkit: End of iPhone camera init
ARToolkit: Video texture created (352,288)
ARToolkit: Param load start
ARToolkit: ios full path camera data: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/56325818-8C5B-4C11-AF05-86124EF8E67E/
ARToolkit:Error: Camera parameter load error !!
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [ARToolkitBase_C_0] Webcam init error!
LogLoad: Took 0.464882 seconds to LoadMap(/Game/Maps/ARToolkitSimple)
LogSlate: Took 0.001213 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font ‘…/…/…/Engine/Content/EngineFonts/Faces/RobotoRegular.ufont’ (155K)
LogRenderer: Reallocating scene render targets to support 1368x1024 NumSamples 1 (Frame:2).
LogExternalProfiler: No external profilers were discovered. External profiling features will not be avail
Any ideas? I’m not sure what I’m missing to get this to work.
I use the plugin to a menth, make my some project. I find the MarkersNFT just detected page 0 - 9, can’t detected more MarkersNFT.
I try to add a new MarkersNFT2, set in ARToolkit Base Blueprint, but is not working
So, I want to know add page 10 to more MarkersNFT
Couple questions…
Is it possible that case sensitivity is the problem. In the cooked data folder I see everything in the ARToolkit folder is now lower case… But the logs are showing that it’s looking for capitalized names…
I.E… The App bundle has the path
But the log files are looking for
Second question. Does the fact that the “Camera parameter load error” happens right after trying to load camera_para.dat mean that the error is caused by the loading of camera_para.dat?
ARToolkit: ios full path camera data: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/0A8C3228-0276-4881-B48D-F810069F7639/
ARToolkit:Error: Camera parameter load error !!
I can confirm that my problem is related to case sensitivity in the paths. I made some modification to ARToolkitDevice.cpp and that fixed it. My guess is iPhoneLaunched is not getting set correctly which is causing the wrong paths to be used.
If you need more than 10 NFT pages, update the following line in
in YOUR_PROJECT_NAME\Plugins\ARToolkitPlugin\Source\ARToolkitPlugin\Public\ARToolkitDevice.h
[FONT=Courier New]//NFT
#define PAGES_MAX 10
Where PAGES_MAX is the number of maximum allowed NFT markers.
I am glad it’s working now!
Can you please share what to modify ? I did not experience this problem during my tests.
Setting Webcamera Source Parameters
How we can set webcamera source parameters?
- Resolution
- Video Format
- Color Space