Augmented Design - VR 3D Modeling - Precision Solid, Curve & Polygonal Modeling

Hey, I’m creating a Virtual Reality CAD modeling solution, and I’ve been coding it in C++ using the Unreal Engine.

It enables you to 3D model in VR with mathematical precision by making use of the Snap Grid that I’ve designed. You can also use solid modeling functions from CAD, like boolean subtract and union.

Check out my first presentation about it here. I’d love to hear your ideas and feedback. It’s a work-in-progress and there’s a lot yet to add and redesign, so I’m very interested in hearing about what directions you all would like this to go in.

Looks really great! Hope to hear more from you :slight_smile:

Thanks! And yes, I’ll be putting up more demos and updates as I go. If you have feature requests or crazy ideas, please do let me know. :slight_smile: