Attaching HMD Camera to an animated actor (aircraft cockpit) without lag or jitter (Vive)

I’m trying to animate an aircraft with the VR HMD maintaining the correct relative relationship to the cockpit.

Using Steam VR Template in 4.13

V1 attached the VR Pawn to the aircraft actor using “Attach to Actor” with all settings to “keep relative”

This first implementation was terrible (the camera would lurch forward several frames behind within the cockpit as it accelerated).

I modified the project settings to “Fixed Frame Rate” of 90fps, and also set my sequence units to 90fps.

This second implementation was better, but the camera will still lag behind the initial acceleration of the cockpit, and then correctly maintain it’s relative position.

I tried modifying the animation to straight interpolation rather than curves, which again helped but the relative position would be lost at any inflection point.

Any help here is much appreciated!

Thank you.