I’ve got a skeletal mesh = main character,
I’ve got items = skeletal meshes(skinned to the character in 3dsmax),
When I attach the items with the Attach To node, they play the idle animation correctly, but when I go to another state for example jumping by pressing Q, only the skeletal mesh does it and attached meshes keep on playing the Idle state. What could be causing this, how can I do a workaround or something?
Information: Items that are being attached to are spawned blueprint classes that have the main character’s animation blueprint selected in their component defaults tabs.
Edit(More info): When I for example change the Riding? boolean to true in the animation blueprint, the items animate with the body too, but in game it doesn’t work, it seems like a huge bug to me which prevents from adding skinned gear to the character.
Edit: No warnings in log either. There is an additional body part tab in persona for previewing skinned clothes and so on, I’m simply trying to make that work via blueprints.
Edit: I think I’ve found something: I’m getting the anim instance of that character and setting the -Riding?- variable to true, so that might mean that the clothings still have their -Riding?- booleans set to false. I’ll update the topic when I find out.
Edit:Yep, the issue was that, I was only changing the variable of the instance of the animation blueprint of the main character, but now I have to get the anim instance of the worn gear and cast it to WizardAnim_BP and change the variable for every cloth, I don’t think that’s an issue of performance but is there a node do it with a single node that changes the variable of all the meshes that uses that animation blueprint. I mean, shouldn’t all the children of the mesh have their variables changed too when I change the main one’s Riding bool.