In the FPS of UE4…The arms (Character BP) contain an FPGun and it is attached by its skeletal mesh settings. It moves along with the arms which are being animated because of its attach point…skeletal mesh GripPoing (part of the FPGun).
If I use AttachActorToComponent there is no function ability to attach the FPGun in the same manner. By using this node, the FPGun will just be set to its socket position, rather than attach through the GripPoint of the FPGun skeletal mesh, and it will not move along with arm animation movements (i.e. idle, arms sway, weapon w/ attach point GripPoint would move along with those motions).
The FPSGun is a skeletal mesh that allows the FPGun to go along with the animation movements of the character, when the GripPoint is currently attached to the hand_r
How can I attach the FPGun in blueprints like above, only have it comes out attached just like the FPS SK_FPGun that is in the FPS Character BP? Only with a third person Character BP, just having the gun attached the same way? It might be different since in the Character BP the gun is already set in the BP, but with a pickup blueprint the gun would have to be set in a similar way.