Attach player to moving platform does not retain lateral inertia

Reference ID


Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

World Building


I was wanting to move some platforms around (not just up n down) and allow the player to jump on and off at will. The issue is UEFN seems to ignore inertia in that as the player on the platform jumps up the platform continues to move out from under them or in my case of a building the player hits the wall and jitters thru it or pops up somewhere else I think due it doing some weird physics thing.

While on the subject - is it possible to attach things like turrets or item spawners to moving platforms? The item spawns but is left behind with none/gravity/toss for inital movement.

Steps to Reproduce

Set up a platform (cube or plane etc) to move horizontally either with sequencer or Prop Mover.
Ensure it is large enough so the player can run around a bit (~5-10 meters^2).
Spawn or get the player onto it.
Jump either stationary or running.

Expected Result

The player jumps should more or less follow the motion of the platform.

Observed Result

As the player jumps the platform continues to move while the player is locked to world space while in mid air.


Win 10 / PC

Island Code


Additional Notes

Any island will show this.

Upvoted, was going to post a similar bug. I’d like to add that in addition to “attach things like turret or items to moving platforms”, it would be very useful if there was a way to make player builds on the moving platform attach to the platform. In my case, I’m trying to use the “Hover Platform” which allows building.