Hi, I want to attach an icehockey club to both hands in VR.
I am just at the beginning, trying to attach the club to one hand. There is no need to pickup the club it just should being attached from the beginning.
The club is a blueprint and the mesh has two sockets.
The VR setup is the basic setup from epic. → Motion Controller Pawn and Motion Controller BPs
For now i want the club to be attached if I press M. I want to do it through level bp.
I have the following setup:
If you want the hockey stick to always be attached to one hand, the easiest thing to do is to parent it directly to your motion controller component (say the right one) inside your VR Pawn’s hierarchy,
Pawn Root → MotionController Right → Static Mesh (hockey stick)
Attaching it to the second hand is a bit tricky. In fact you cannot attach a component to two parents at the same time. You will have to “fake” it. Inside your Event Tick, continuously look at the position of the second hand (the left motion controller in this case) and adjust the relative rotation of the stick so it “follows” the second hand.
The FindLookAtRotation node could be useful in this case.
I dont know how to do. Do you mean the component hirachy? I just have DefaultSceneRoot, VROrigin and Camera. There is no MotionControllerRight. Its generatet through blueprint.
If the hand components are created at run-time like it happens in the standard VR template, you have to use Attach To Component passing a reference to your motion controller. Check out how this is done in the standard VR template. It is inside the Blueprint for the BP_PickupCube.