When adding an atmospheric fog to a level I can see the sun and reposition it but cannot see the sky and the sun disc. I have tried building the lights and still do not see the sky. I have opened another level that DOES have the sky showing properly and have tried to copy and paster the atmospheric fog from there but have had no luck. I have also tried to reverse engineer the level the has a working atmospheric fog and am drawing a blank.
I am on a MacBook Pro using UE4 4.5.1
Hope that describes the problem well enough. Appreciate any help I can get.
I don’t know if it’s worth mentioning but I’m having an identical probelm and have gone through the same attempts at solutions. Also running 4.5.1 on a MacBook Pro. Atmospheric fog appears to work just fine if its preloaded from another project. If I delete the atmospheric fog from the working project and drag a new AF actor in though, again it will not work. I’m assuming this means its a matter of switching on something in the details panel?
Found it.
We have to play with some of the values in the Details panel.
Some examples of values and their results are found at the bottom of the documentation [HERE][1]:
At the bottom of Atmosphere, expand Precompute Params to change Scattering and Desity Height.
Based on the example I was using from Digital Tutors (where the instructor was able to just drag and drop in a beautiful daylight sky) I’m guessing these default settings (no sky, red floor) are new?