Atmosphere Sun light not working


I’m using Unreal 5.3.2.

I have created an empty level, adding in a SkyAtmosphere, a directional light with the Atmosphere Sun Light enabled, and a SkyLight. But, I don’t see the atmosphere.

Everything is by default, I haven’t changed anything.

Why do I need to do to see the atmosphere?


By the way, I’ve done the same with Unreal 5.4.3 and it works:

Hey @ViaCognita,

That’s weird. What is the intensity of your directional light currently set at? Maybe some setting was set to zero or affects world was unticked by accident?

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Hey @Quetzalcodename,

I think it’s because I changed things in the project to optimise it for virtual reality. I have done the same in an empty project with Unreal 5.3.2 and it works perfectly, so the problem is something that I have changed on project settings.


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