ATL/MFC with UE 4.20 and above


How do I correctly include ATL headers and link with atls.lib?

In UE 4.19 the build tool checked for atlmfc directory in visual studio directory and added it include directories.

In UE 4.20 and above this code was deleted (commit 7ce4c05fda8f81ae0637289e6a3cfe5856c2cb89).

What is the proper way of including ATL/MFC?

Thank you in advance.

Have you had any luck with this problem?

Hi. We have just copied deleted code from 4.19 to our own build file.

Awesome thanks!
I’ll probably just do the same (Add the lib/include paths in VCEnvironment.SetupEnvironment)
I wanted to add a flag in the TargetRules but unfortunately it’s not available in VCEnvironment.
I do wonder why it’s been removed since 4.20
Anyway, thanks for the reply!