Asynchrone Videos

Heya Guys,

i am using the Movie Render Queue to produce Videos.

And now i am trying to render out a Video from that.

Problem is i am Rendering out the same video with and without a stencil mask.

And try to overlay both of them to show that they are synchroneous…

But they is always a 0-4 Frames difference… I really have no Idea anymore what is causing this… Any Ideas? Maybe i put in some wrong settings in the sequencer?

I am really glad for any help!!


  • Dialgos

Well didnt get any help sadly but for any of you guys having some problems where something is some frames off…

Look for any delay nodes and replace them with timers. Delay nodes apparently are pretty dirty…

I had a initial delay before i spawned in the first KI set to 3 seconds. The delay did weird things… but the timer works perfectly!