I’m trying to load in a data asset softobjectptr asynchronously when I interact with a computer terminal actor. I found this tutorial on how to load it in the way I was expecting but it seems to failing at the last stage with the resultant pointer to the presumably loaded content being invalid.
bool ATerminalBase::AttemptInteraction_Implementation(UInteractComponent* Interactor)
// Get the Asset Manager from anywhere
if (UAssetManager* Manager = UAssetManager::GetIfValid())
UMiniGameDebugFunctionLibrary::DebugLogWithObject(this, "Initial Manager Is Valid");
FPrimaryAssetId GameId = TerminalMiniGame_DataAsset->GetPrimaryAssetId();
UMiniGameDebugFunctionLibrary::DebugLogWithObject(this, "Primary ID: " +GameId.ToString());
// Optional "bundles" like "UI"
TArray<FName> Bundles;
// Delegate with parameters we need once the asset had been loaded
FStreamableDelegate Delegate = FStreamableDelegate::CreateUObject(this,&ATerminalBase::OnDataLoaded, GameId);
UMiniGameDebugFunctionLibrary::DebugLogWithObject(this, "Loading Data");
// The actual async load request
Manager->LoadPrimaryAsset(GameId, Bundles, Delegate);
return Super::AttemptInteraction_Implementation(Interactor);
void ATerminalBase::OnDataLoaded(FPrimaryAssetId LoadedId)
UMiniGameDebugFunctionLibrary::DebugLogWithObject(this, "Game Data Has Loaded");
UAssetManager* Manager = UAssetManager::GetIfValid();
if (Manager)
UMiniGameDebugFunctionLibrary::DebugLogWithObject(this, "Asset Manager is Valid");
UTerminalMiniGame_PDA* TerminalData= Cast<UTerminalMiniGame_PDA>(Manager->GetPrimaryAssetObject(LoadedId));
if (TerminalData)
UMiniGameDebugFunctionLibrary::DebugLogWithObject(this, "Game Data Is Valid");
Here is the output log, with the object name removed for the sake of readability:
LogBlueprint: Warning: Initial Manager Is Valid
LogBlueprint: Warning: Primary ID: TerminalMiniGame_PDA:TerminalTest_DA
LogBlueprint: Warning: Loading Data
LogAssetManager: Warning: Invalid Primary Asset Id TerminalMiniGame_PDA:TerminalTest_DA: ChangeBundleStateForPrimaryAssets failed to find NameData
LogBlueprint: Warning: Interactable Received Attempt to Interact
LogBlueprint: Warning: Game Data Has Loaded
LogBlueprint: Warning: Asset Manager is Valid
That warning about the Invalid Primary Asset Id is probably what is causing the error. But I am overriding it in the parent class of the data asset and am definitely including it in the asset manager portion of the project settings:
FPrimaryAssetId UTerminalMiniGame_PDA::GetPrimaryAssetId() const
return FPrimaryAssetId("TerminalMiniGame_PDA", GetFName());
If anyone could point out where I am going wrong as I am truly out of ideas for what could be causing this, I would be very grateful