Hey guys and gals,
Just wondering if anyone can give advice on how to achieve a form of asymmetrical VR gameplay. I’m new to UE4 and currently a student in university studying games design; making a game with a team of 3 that involves 3 players racing in a kart style game while a VR player has a presence over the level able to pick up and manipulate objects.
Just wondering how i’d start to go about doing this as i’ve tried following lots of different bits and pieces i’ve found around here but end up going in circles!
Going around in circles is good if it is a racing game. Just kidding
To get help you need to state some specific challenges like maybe “When the players possess their pawns, they all get the karts including player who is supposed to be the VR map manipulator person. How do I tell the game to give the VR player a different pawn?” And then if you show the code you used for that part where the player pawns spawn and get possessed then we can help you figure it out.
Not sure if that’s one of your obstacles right now but it is an example of one way you can give the information we need to try to help.