Assist in Solving DirectX12 Install Error

Assist in Solving DirectX12 Install Error-

Quick Question:
The following prompt pops up during boot, disabling user interface and crashing the application.

The Question:
What is the best way of resolving this problem?

Working with

  • Win 10 Pro
  • DirectX12
  • Intel i7
  • 16MB RAM
    Thx in advance.

What’s the video card? If you’re not sure, could you tell which i7 is this? A laptop / desktop computer?



And the other question?

It has ran before, I can’t recall the procedures. Do you know if there are any i7 compatibility issues?

It has ran before, I can’t recall the
procedures. Do you know if there are
any i7 compatibility issues?

Haha, what’s up with the cloak-and-dagger approach and being reluctant to answer a direct question? Rather than back-and-forth for 3 days, why not just say:

q: “I have no dedicated video card and attempt to run the engine on the i7’s integrated HDx000 chip. It used to run back in the day but does not anymore.”

a: “the ability to run the engine in DX10 mode with limited shader model 4.x was deprecated around engine version 4.16”

Bam, all is known and everybody moves on.

It has ran before, I can’t recall the
procedures. Do you know if there are
any i7 compatibility issues?

There’s no such thing as i7 incompatibility. If you expect to run it on an integrated chip, it will not run. It does not support DX11, not to mentioned DX12.

If, on the other hand, you do have a capable video adapter that does support DX12 and still see that error, do tell, please. I’d be interested in helping and finding out what’s behind it.