in ue4 there was an “visible” option in the rendering tab in the details panel along with “hidden in game”.
in UE5 the visible seems to be somewhere else or gone…
I want to make some objects not to show up in movie render queue. When i check “hidden in game” the objects / Assets are rendered despite of the checked option. Whar am i doing wrong?
thanks in advance!
Hello @monsterag69!
Try this:
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making animation unvisible in game doesn’t stop it from playing/rendering… set the animatio to deactivate
it will stop it from being played
hoope it helps,
Thanks a lot. in my case i think i made the mistake that i didn´t select the whole directorytree when checking “Actor hidden in game” . Now when i select the mainfolder aof my asset and press Ctrl-Shift-D then all subsequent assets are selected and all works fine as i expected.
Sorry for bothering your with this!
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