This week Unreal4 has been breaking in new and exciting ways.
First up, the sky-box’s texture disappears in “launch” mode, but not in “play in editor”. fixed this by making a fresh project and migrating the old content.
Then I’m greeted with this:
Can anyone explain whats going on here,
I can double click on a level, and (to my knowledge) it becomes the active portion, as displayed in the corner of the view-port, but in the levels tab they all stay highlighted
and for some reason, whichever level i activate, the assets are all checked as invisible. i cant change that either, clicking the eye icon does nothing.
and despite all of this, you can still see those assets in the view-port
Is this a known bug, or does the little blue dot mean something i don’t know about?
Its driving me nuts, any feedback at all would be massively appreciated