Asset Validation Issues

hi all.
Reported another Asset Validation issues with Creative 2.0 Template island when converted by UEFN

Found disallowed object type /Game/Items/Traps/Blueprints/Device_Floor_GolfCartSpawner.Device_Floor_GolfCartSpawner_C, Referenced by:See below for asset list, Plugin mount point:/Uefnlink
Found disallowed object type /Game/Athena/Items/Traps/TID_Floor_GolfCartSpawner.TID_Floor_GolfCartSpawner, Referenced by:See below for asset list, Plugin mount point:/Uefnlink.

If the Assets from FN Creative are deleted problem goes away

UEFN converts Creative 2.0 Template Island Test out Devices into Disallowed Assets - General / Issues and Bug Reporting - Epic Developer Community Forums (
Looking more closely this is probably a Creative 1.0 Device asset which wont affect Fortnite Creative 2.0 but will affect UEFN

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