I figured out the solution. They updated how to expose the assets. You have to put the parent module in () prior to the sub-module that you are importing. For example, your updated code should be:
miscAssets := module:
(miscAssets:)Mat<public> := module:
(Mat:)numbers<public> := module {}
lowpoly := module:
(lowpoly:)Materials<public> := module:
(Materials:)walls<public> := module {}
#would replace folder name "Materials" with "Lowpoly_Materials" or something similar so that it is no longer ambiguous.
The errors you are getting in your assets.digest.verse file are likely due to the name of those folders being generic “Textures”, “Models”, “Particles”, etc that are ambiguous with UEFN’s generic names for things.
When i used the fix above. Also tried moving the textures to a Parent Folder at the top level. (1 folder in the main project folder with only the textures) I also tried removing the specifier for public in verse. Then the map doesn’t even load and fortnite gets stuck in, it seems like a loop. It says connected in uefn but just keeps reloading the map without even leaving the loading screen
I tried to point to the animation itself but any kind of " =" or “:” or “: {}” and “= {}” doesn’t work because it wants some real assignment to it but I try to just expose the object to code so I can reference it and play on a character, what is the correct way to do it?