Asset Placement Bug

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



Within the last update there is a bug that prevents a majority of the pillars to not properly align on the grid snap and some other trim items from the wild galleries. The pillars that are affected are the Bricksimple (Various), Hightower (Tilted Island), Lair (Eclipsed Estate), Woodmines corner (Fortilla and Greasy Grove Islands), and Neoncity (Mega City). There may be other Pillars that might this bug too. The corner trim in from the Ancients assets also has this problem.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Find any of the listed assets and place them down.
  2. Move the object. Then it will move off of the grid snap.

Expected Result

That the assets would remain on the proper grid snap.

Observed Result

The Listed assets will not be on the proper grid snap.



Island Code


Additional Notes

This is a more recent bug that has shown up. I also put down file names of the assets for specifics, and for the Neoncity and Lair pillars, both pillars A and B are affected.