Asset Manager Usage

Good afternoon
I am trying to explore the topic of AssetManager but I understand absolutely nothing, neither why to use them, nor how they will be better than SoftRef.
Can you give me any examples of using AssetManager for RPG.

And one more small question about SoftRef if I use them in the menu, while they are loaded into memory there will be no textures in the menu, is there any workaround without using HardRef.

Thank you!

You could use methods like the do in web development where the menu could have a hard reference to a very simple file like a shape of the menu and size but a single color in the meantime load the proper texture asynchronously and swap it once it’s done.

Something like this: (it’s an external link)

You temp images could be very lightweight and hence load nearly instantly.

An older epic talk on the asset manager:

This is a pretty extensive video regarding the asset manager that is rather easy to follow:

I’ve watched these videos, but I still can’t understand WHY

The asset manager loads things behind the scenes with soft references.

It’s a mechanism to better manage linked soft references instead of having to build your own system to wrangle the links between references.

It also allows for unloading of the soft references easier than doing it by hand.

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