Hello Unreal Engine Community,
I’m currently working on a game project where I have a need to transition from a single-player game to a dedicated multiplayer server. The multiplayer level is essentially a copy of the single-player level, with the same assets being used in both.
My question revolves around how Unreal Engine handles asset management in this specific scenario. When transitioning from the single-player game to the multiplayer server, are the assets from the single-player game retained in memory, or are they unloaded during the transition process (potentially leading to garbage collection)?
The key concern here is the load time when connecting to the multiplayer server. If the assets are retained in memory, I would assume this could significantly reduce the load time, as the game wouldn’t need to load these assets from disk again. However, if Unreal Engine unloads these assets during the transition, the load times could potentially be longer.
If anyone has experience with or knowledge about this aspect of Unreal Engine’s behavior, your insights would be greatly appreciated. Additionally, if there are any strategies or best practices to minimize load times during such a transition, I would be very interested in hearing them.
Thank you in advance for your help!