Hey all
I have a fern asset that looks great while in play mode:
However, in the packaged game it looks like this:
any usual suspects to verify that can cause this issue?
Thanks in advance
Hey all
I have a fern asset that looks great while in play mode:
any usual suspects to verify that can cause this issue?
Thanks in advance
I had a similar issue with a game last year, a colleague of mine introduced the “graphics settings menu” in a git commit and the game started looking bad for everyone because he set the default scalability to a low preset.
If you have a development build try to change scalability settings with console commands and see if nothing changes.
dummy question here: which command should I run in this case?
I am still on development packaging, ~ should open the command line right? somehow it doesn’t on my build
You could try to create a widget and set scalability from it, or you can just map numpad keys to different scalability values just for testing purposes:
Change scalability settings posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine
Just for the sake of checking if that’s the issue, I just set the good settings to the main blueprint level:
That could be the issue. Are you getting any error in the materials?
It looks like it’s not loading correctly the opacity masks of your foliage.
I have recently updated project from UE4 to UE5 and my water material wasn’t rendering at all, and I solved it by unchecking “Used with static lighting” in the material details, it’s hard to diagnose the issue with so few info
Still the same issue, but I understand yeah it can be many texture-related things.
Where would I find the exact material error ?