Asset flickering and flashing in lit mode

A train asset made by my friend in Blender is flickering like crazy in lit mode. It only happens in some projects, not in others. I tried reimporting it, to no avail. What is the issue?

I dunno if it’s important, but it’s a subsequent version of the train.

Could it be that the model’s faces were duplicated by accident and now it’s constantly z-fighting (depth fighting) polygons that are in the same xyz space?

Hey there!

This is indeed the result of an overlapping geometries on top of each other or if both the versions of the train are exported and combined together. In that case, I will suggest you to only export a selected section of the train first and check if this issue persists again.
Do mention if the file exported was in FBX format?

I’ve forgotten to upload the video, sorry! [WARNING,VIDEO CONTAINS RAPIDLY FLASHING LIGHTS!]

@3dRaven If your question is whether two models occupy the same space within the viewport, then i don’t think that’s the case. Perhaps the video I’ve shared will shed some light on the issue.

@RhythmGR They were indeed exported into and from .FBX format. I have already deleted all traces of the train from a project and replaced them with a fresh reimport, but that didn’t help.

Seems like a post processing glitch. Try disabling your post process volume unbound extent and see if it persists.

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I tried disabling unbound extent, hiding it and deleting it from the scene altogether, but that still didn’t fix the issue.

Ok so that looks like bloom going crazy.
This could be gpu driver issue or you can try going to show > post processing > bloom. You can try disabling bloom here which disables blooms entirely from the engine viewport. Try disabling couple of options there.

Edit: I see texture streaming pool going overboard. Surely it could be gpu using too much vram. What’s the size of your vram and GPU?

I have GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, 12GB VRAM.

Try this

that will fix your pool size but that seems to be coming from bloom or raytracing fireflies.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the answer to fix that flash if you have tried disabling everything.

I’ve already set r.Streaming.PoolSize in .ini file to 40000, but that didn’t help. I’ll look into another solution though, as I suspect that broken geometry of source mesh might be causing these issues.

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Do reply if that doesn’t work either.