Asset Definition - Linker Errors

As we’re familiar, AssetTypeActions were replaced by AssetDefinitions in UE5.2.

When trying to implement my own AssetDefinition, by creating

#include "AssetDefinitionDefault.h"

class UAssetDefinition_MyDefinition : public UAssetDefinitionDefault

	virtual FText GetAssetDisplayName() const override;
	virtual FLinearColor GetAssetColor() const override;
	virtual TSoftClassPtr<UObject> GetAssetClass() const override;
	virtual TConstArrayView<FAssetCategoryPath> GetAssetCategories() const override;
	virtual EAssetCommandResult OpenAssets(const FAssetOpenArgs& OpenArgs) const override;
// Ommitted function bodies for brevity

I get 20-30 linker errors complaining that there is an unresolved external symbol for each of the virtual functions in UAssetDefinition.

Which I find weird because when I check the AssetDefinition.h, there are bodies for the functions declared. I must be doing something wrong as no one else seems to have this issue, thanks :slight_smile:

Shouldn’t you have #include "AssetDefinition_MyDefinition.generated.h" near the top of your header?

Also, what are your linker errors? It would help if we could see them.

Sorry, to keep it short I omitted most of the headers, I do have the generated header included.

I’m not at home so I can’t send you screenshots or direct copies of the linker errors, but they’re basically complaining about:

virtual bool CanImport() const { return false; }
virtual bool CanMerge() const { return false; }
virtual void BuildFilters(TArray<FAssetFilterData>& OutFilters) const;
virtual bool CanRegisterStatically() const;

Along with pretty much every other function defined in UAssetData in the AssetDefinition.h.

(Note that in my example functions, the ones I left the body off are implemented in AssetDefinition.cpp)

The real confusion I’m facing is that I can see these are implemented, and I know that “AssetDefinitionDefault.h” includes “AssetDefinition.h”, so I don’t understand how my code can’t find the function impls.

Got the solution, had to add AssetDefinition module to my Build.cs PublicDependencyModuleNames

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