Assertion failed: IsValid() [File:d:\build\++portal+release-live+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\public\Templates/SharedPointer.h] [Line: 851]

Assertion failed: IsValid() [File:d:\build++portal+release-live+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\public\Templates/SharedPointer.h] [Line: 851]


I’m having the same problem.

I’m suddenly having this exact error on two different machines. I can no longer open the launcher. Closing the error message and then deleting the data under “%AppData%\Local\EpicGamesLauncher\Saved” initially worked, but the error eventually came back. This just started within the past couple months with no changes made on my end.

Same problem today

I just encountered the same error, and it has been fixed by applying latests Windows Updates and restarting my computer.
Hope this will be the same for you.

same problem

same here, can’t seem to get it fixed, last thing i can think of is full re-install, don’t really fancy re-downloading over 1,5TB of games

I am having this same issue, uninstalling and reinstalling did not fix the problem.

I’ve already fixed it, you have to delete all Epic Games and then the Epic Games launcher from Windows Configuration. Then download the program Everything (it’s an orange magnifying glass) and delete everything that contains the word EpicGame from the computer and the word Fortnite. Then just reinstall the Launcher and everything is fine.

same problem

Hey, I fixed mine by going to SHiFT and linking epic. I think I read that if people already had it linked, they had to unlink and link it again. Give that a shot.

This works! If you are already linked, add your email and do the requested verification on the Gearbox site, unlink/relink and then REBOOT your computer. It did not work for me until I rebooted AFTER the unlink/linking process. Restarting the client is not enough. Thank you!

My work-around was to log into my account online and change my password.

this worked for me, didn’t have to restart my pc. Since i already had my shift account linked all i had to do was unlink it and like it back up. After getting a mail that my shift account has be linked i launched epic games and it’s working fine now

delete EpicGamesLauncher folder from User\AppData\Local then hit a repair // no restart needed for me

In my case, i uninstalled epic launcher and reinstalled it. No reboot. It worked.

FYI, deleting Epicgamelauncher from appdata/local did not work for me

In my case, i uninstalled epic launcher and reinstalled it. No reboot. It worked.

FYI, deleting Epicgamelauncher from appdata/local did not work for me

Can confirm. This worked for me. I have had this problem for a couple of months now. I tried totally uninstalling/deleting the Epic Games Launcher, and that fixed it temporarily. It came back though. Linking my account at the site above fixed the issue. That is really weird though because I had never even heard Shift prior to seeing this post.

Same as LeBalafrey. I uninstalled epic launcher and reinstalled it. No reboot. It worked.
Deleting Epicgamelauncher from appdata/local did not work either.

So, crashes started for me something about two months ago. At first it was inregullar but with time, more often. Nothing work for me, i tried every solution from this topic and nothing. Dont know what to do, its so frustrating. I cant play games i paid for. There is so many people having this problem, i dont understand why epic didnt fix it yet.