Assertion failed: GIsHotReload


Simple problem I think but I cant seem to find the solution, I’ll compile the project and add a BlueprintFunctionLibrary inherited class from the engine, all seems to work fine. I then compile the project again (The new class still empty), no errors, but when its loading the engine, it always breakpoints at 86% at line 564 in UObjectBase.bpp:

// Class exists, this can only happen during hot-reload

in the output log: Assertion failed: GIsHotReload [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.12+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\UObjectBase.cpp] [Line: 564]

Any ideas? I found various people running into this problem but that was in 4.8 so this must be something different

It works when I build the project from scratch, but unfortunately it is quite large so this takes like 10 minutes, any ideas?

Try compiling the project outside of the editor (in Visual Studio or whatever), then open the editor. This fixes the problem for me, as it “deletes the hot reload files.”

Hope this helps whoever may have this problem