Hello! And thank you so much for your product!
We have a task: record movie on a remote server. To make this possible, we prepared a scene and wrote a python script (unreal_render.py) that changes various assets and then starts recording. This script works if I run it locally from UE4Editor using the console
, but it doesn’t work if I run it from the cli (Locally or in docker container). To reproduce the problem, I created a small scene and built a docker container for rendering ([Link] (unreal_demonstration - Google Drive) to the archive). To run the script, run the following commands:
tar -xf ue4_demonstration.tar.gz
cd ue4_demonstration
bash +x $(pwd)/docker/build.sh
bash +x $(pwd)/docker/run_gen_container.sh
sudo docker exec unreal_demonstration bash -c "/home/ue4/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UE4Editor /usr/src/unreal/test/test.uproject -run=pythonscript -script=/usr/src/unreal/test/Content/Python/unreal_render.py"
After which I get the error: Assertion failed: IsValid() [File:Runtime/Core/Public/Templates/SharedPointer.h] [Line: 879]. The full output of the command is also located on Google drive in a file with the name output.txt, the full log in the test.log file.
Thank you so much for the product and help!