Assertion failed - File:Runtime/Core/Public/Templates/SharedPointer.h while rendering movie with python script in docker

Hello! And thank you so much for your product!

We have a task: record movie on a remote server. To make this possible, we prepared a scene and wrote a python script ( that changes various assets and then starts recording. This script works if I run it locally from UE4Editor using the console

, but it doesn’t work if I run it from the cli (Locally or in docker container). To reproduce the problem, I created a small scene and built a docker container for rendering ([Link] (unreal_demonstration - Google Drive) to the archive). To run the script, run the following commands:

tar -xf ue4_demonstration.tar.gz
cd ue4_demonstration
bash +x $(pwd)/docker/
bash +x $(pwd)/docker/
sudo docker exec unreal_demonstration bash -c "/home/ue4/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UE4Editor /usr/src/unreal/test/test.uproject -run=pythonscript -script=/usr/src/unreal/test/Content/Python/"

After which I get the error: Assertion failed: IsValid() [File:Runtime/Core/Public/Templates/SharedPointer.h] [Line: 879]. The full output of the command is also located on Google drive in a file with the name output.txt, the full log in the test.log file.

Thank you so much for the product and help!

It’s not clear from the description (maybe there is something in the linked files, but it’s too lazy to watch from the phone) how does it start on the remote server? Is there a monitor or just a plug? How do you look at it, by VNC? For a test, you can make a simple call to the internal capture of a screenshot, even on blueprints.
In our project, we take pictures and videos not only from what is thrown into the docker, but also wrapped in Kubernetes and, all the rules.

Hi, did you found a solution for this?