Ask Unreal Anything | Topic Poll - What Do YOU Want to Know?

Hey everyone! As we continue our Ask Unreal Anything series of AMA-style events, we’d love to know what topics you’d like to ask Epic devs about. Given the list of options below, which topics are you most excited to learn about? What features do you have burning questions on? Drop your answers in the poll by 2023-08-23T09:00:00Z.

  • Level Design
  • Debugging
  • Blueprint Scripting
0 voters

If you have other topics you’d like to see included in the future besides those listed, feel free to leave a reply!


Maybe things relating to UEFN things coming to the 1.0 editor? For example, Verse editor, Fab, etc. (Posted before I noticed this was for UE4/5 not UEFN lol)

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I’m curious about the serialization process。


AI and the comparison between Behavior Trees and State Trees

Estimates of finishing existed features, that are not in shipping state.

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So, like, this AMA thing with the Unreal peeps sounds totally rad, right? They’re all like, “Ask us anything about cool stuff!” And I’m like, “Heck yeah, I wanna know things!” :sunglasses:

Okay, so check it, they got these mega topics we can pick from. I’m totally vibing with Level Design, you know, making game worlds that are like mind-blowingly awesome. And then there’s Debugging, which might sound a bit techy, but it’s like the secret sauce to fixing stuff and making things work super smooth.

Like, I already dropped my votes, and you should too before August 23, 2023, at 6:00 PM. Let’s make our voices heard, y’all! And if you’ve got crazy cool ideas that aren’t on their list, don’t hold back! Pop a reply and let 'em know.

Catch you on the flip side! :video_game::call_me_hand:

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