Ask for CommonButtonBase Delegate AddDynamic, AddUniqueDynamic

Hi. I’m producing a game with a lot of skills.

Players can choose what they want from many skills. For this, I created a button in the shape of many skill icons in one widget.

I found a solution to avoid creating terrible functions like OnClick_BTSkill1, OnClick_BTSkill2, etc. As a result, I got to a plug-in called CommonUI, and I thought using CommonButtonBase would work the way I wanted it to.

However, the OnClickedDelegate in CommonButtonBase does not have AddDynamic. The internet tutorial told me to use AddUniqueDynamic, but I don’t even see the D of Dynamic in myDelegate.

Can anyone explain this to me? If I don’t fix it within this week, I’ll have to suffer from a terrible 30 binding function. Please save me. Thank you.

Hey there,
I found this post while I was facing the same issue. Unfortunately using CommonUI in C++ is a pretty bad experience, I hope they’ll improve it.

It seems UCommonButtonBase::FCommonButtonEvent is a native multicast delegate. Which doesn’t support dynamic binding using AddDynamic.

My solution was binding the event using AddUObject.

Here is my code:

void UMMS_MainMenuButtons::NativePreConstruct()
PlayButton->OnClicked().AddUObject(this, &UMMS_MainMenuButtons::OnPlayButtonClicked);