Ask Epic Anything: Programming & Scripting | May 24th, 2023 at 12:30PM EST

  1. The Editor Utility is an excellent tool in both UE4 and UE5. Will it be available in UEFN?
  2. Regarding the Modeling Mode, are there plans to incorporate Geometry Scripts into UEFN? Additionally, will the UI design of the tool in UEFN be implemented in UE5?
  3. Is Epic currently developing or planning to develop an AI tool (maybe VerseGPT ?:slight_smile: ) that can assist individuals with limited coding experience?

I am also curious if you can provide a road map for what api will be released in future updates. For example will we get a weapon api? I noticed while creating my games there are things in the documentation that seem like they could return a weapon etc but without a weapon class/api we can’t access it. In this specific case I was looking at the game_action_causer interface (here’s the thread). Curious about other unimplemented api too.


My Questions are about types:

1 - Is there a schema of the Verse language, such as BNF notation? If not, are there any plans to provide one?
2 - Is “specifier” a reserved word or an object? If it’s an object, will users be able to define it in the future?
3 - Are “true” and “false” types themselves? (Is the logic type a composite type of true type and false type?)
4 - Is the “false” that can be set as the initial value for an option type the same as the false of the logic type?

  1. I have seen references to ‘internal game jams’ where Verse was used. Is there any way we can get access to some of that code?

  2. Can we see a sample where a player agent is referenced and used from a HUD widget?

  3. What is the long term plan for improving the documentation of Verse?

(to be expanded upon)

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How to prevent issues in your verse code from possible client/server issues when working on multiplayer projects?
(Example: Created UI elements are not appearing at the same time for all players, score is not properly updating on all players screens, etc.)


Now we can get logs in UEFN when testing the map, but many things can go wrong on a published map with many players. When will we be able to get logs from player that play the map publicly? Maybe save a log file for this map on the client?


If scripts need to interact with each other, what is the best practice when it comes to creating verse devices? Should we do everything in one device or separate it into multiple? What are the pros and cons of having separate devices?

Any major best practices tips would be appreciated too!


Thanks for all the hard work on Verse. The concurrency model is unique amongst languages i have worked with and an amazing fit to game scripting.

But the devX with Verse is hard to work with, its very hard to test code. When will we see some tooling like:

  • REPL
  • Unit Testing Framework
  • Ability to programmatically create in-game data and events for testing

Also the lack of any persistence layer both in-game, between rounds and across games is very limiting. Is this in current plans?

Thanks again for all your hard work


Unless I am mistaken, hopefully i didn’t overlook an easy answer, there is no setting for the tornado in UEFN currently that would have it function similar to what was in the Chrome season. I assume a verse script would make all the difference.

Any chance you would be so kind as to show off a working script for the tornado with physics? or any part of one that could push me in the right direction? Appreciate any help given.


Are there any ways to get Verse logs out of a published map (either private or public)?

I have a complex project with a lot of code and test session works completely fine but in published all Verse stops working after player joins mid-game.

The only workaround I can think of is a huge billboard device on the sky but calls like “log.PrintCallStack()” don’t return a string making debugging extremely difficult.


How soon will Verse be able to fully replace Creative Devices? For example: when will I be able to grant a player an item without having to use a device in game?


Here are my questions!

  1. Will you be adding more vfx such as the chapter 4 snow effects?

  2. Will we be getting chapter 4 snow terrain at some point?

(I like snow a lot)

Hello! Have been really enjoying working with Verse, here are some questions that I got while working with Verse:

I’m not sure if this has been mentioned yet in one of the roadmaps, however I have written and shared some advanced scripts on social media and the demand for scripts is pretty high. So my question is:

Q1: Are there any plans on making it easier for programmers to share/sell Verse scripts/modules (something like the Fab content browser)? Or is this something that you will leave up to the community.

Q2: What plans do you have regarding debugging tools? For example, I wrote a script that tells me it is either stuck in an infinite loop (almost certain this isn’t the case) or that the device terminated because of excessive computation. So knowing what the limits are and what my script is currently using for example would be useful for debugging/optimization.


woah!!! first question:
when are chrome splashed going to be added to creative? this would really help with my maps and if i get a creator code could help with some capture the flag maps!
-Harrison14 :slight_smile:

Question about Verse:
Can a Player : player obtained in different ways not match himself? Like:

  1. Take player from playspace != take player from TeamAgents Array?

Have there been any thoughts about moving some of the Verse development to an open source model? I’m sure there are lots of proprietary bits which could make that difficult, but something like the language server could probably benefit from having community involvement.


I dont have any questions for now, i am getting lost deep in the UEFN rabbit hole. Just wanted to thank all of you for finally making game development slightly decentralized !!


For Conan Reis Firstly I really enjoy coding with Verse, I’ve been coding for most of my life, never thought I would be programming inside of FortNite. My Question is LLVM coming soon? I really want to spin something up on Linux using Verse.

As a side question, Is their plans to move Verse off of the blueprint VM in Unreal for performance / cost?

Edit: Thought of a question that is open to anyone, Will we ever get the ability to have variable persistence across rounds? For example consider the following psuedo attribute applied to a variable:

var KeepsValueAcrossRounds<nonvolatile> : int = 1
#.... Or Even ....
var KeepsValueAcrossRounds : int = 1

#.... Consider the following
var TotalPointsEarned : int = 0

#Some event takes place that changes variable value
set TotalPointsEarned += 10

#Round Ends and new round starts

Print("Round persistent value: {TotalPointsEarned}") #Will print an int > 0



With the future of Fortnite becoming more apparent as a home of many different mods and creations, are there any plans to change the businessmodel of fortnite and allow transactions through maps themselves, as in similar titels such as ‘Roblox’?

Furthermore will there be adjustments made to the eula of Fortnite, to allow more mods to come, like similar titles such as ‘Minecraft’

Thank you so much, love all of your work on uefn!


I hope this will not be considered as an answer, and that the original question will still be provided to the devs as intended.

Please refer to guidelines: “Please do not reply to anyone else’s post—the purpose of replies in this topic is to receive answers from our guests. If you’d like to discuss a related topic in more detail, create a new topic.”

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