Asign a Mask(R) from Splatmap RGB.

I created the material but i dont know how to ISOLATE a layer in landscape and avoid it from painting over.
I have an splatmap RGB, and I want the R channel to be the “Mask” and paint in G or B only.

Hello Blackhole Bilbao,

There are several different options all depending on how you have your material set up.

If you would please link me a screenshot of how you have your material set up as well as how you are applying it to your landscape.


Hello Blackhole Bilbao,

I haven’t heard from you yet. I was wondering if you were still experiencing this issue?


Hello Blackhole Bilbao,

Due to the fact I have heard from you yet and tracking issues I will be marking this post as answered.

If you are still experiencing this issue please comment again.
