Hi, just out of curiosity I would love to use the Flying template and make the oculus touch the main movement controller, but I can’t see how to output the x,y and z values of the touch controller in order to navigate the ship. All I see are button values, but no axis values. Where do I have to look up to?
in your VR character blueprint, if that’s where you are adding your MotionController component, all you need to do is create another component as a child of the motion controller component. then, anytime you need motion controller location data, you can just grab the ‘get world location’ of the component you added as a child to the motion controller. i’m assuming you’re trying to do something like in the lab where they used the controller as a spaceship location? if not that, then maybe i’m misinterpreting what you’re trying to do.
Yeah paradoc the lab joystick example it’s what I’m aiming for, I’ll give it a go with the child motion controller component and the get world location, thank you very much!!!