Artifacts and glitchy lines on landscape actors in Path Tracing Mode (Unreal Engine 5.3)


I’ve unsuccessfully searched Google, Subreddits and Discord channels for an answer and it finally lead me here.

For some reason weird glitchy lines appear on my landscape actor when looking at it in PT mode. I first thought that it may have something to do with the LS auto material but it also happens with UEs World Grid material.

Here are some things I’ve observed:

  1. Interesting to see that the lines appear to be somehow related to distance, like culling or something as the intensity weakens when moving the camera further away

  2. It doesn’t appear when loading in a standard landscape actor. It appears completely random when important height maps - some work, some don’t.

  3. The issue only appears in UE 5.3, not in 5.2.

Any ideas?

@Kidt did you solve the problem?