[Article] The Power of Community Bug Reporting

Hello :blush:

I created this article for FCHQ, and thought that I should share it here as well.

The Community’s Role in Enhancing Fortnite Through Bug Reporting

Video game development is a complex process, and no game, regardless of its complexity or the size of its development team, is immune to bugs and issues. Identifying and addressing these bugs is a crucial part of the development process, and this is where player communities can play a critical role. This article explores how players can report bugs in Fortnite Creative and how their active participation significantly aids in the improvement of the gaming experience.

The Power of Community Bug Reporting

Bugs can range from minor graphic glitches to major gameplay hindrances. They can impact a player’s experience and, in some cases, even make the game unplayable. Therefore, reporting bugs is essential. It helps developers pinpoint and rectify issues that they may not have noticed during their internal testing.

Not only does bug reporting lead to a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience for the individual player, but it also contributes to the community as a whole. The players’ active involvement in the bug reporting process can lead to quicker fixes, a more stable gaming environment, and an overall improved player experience. This sense of community and shared responsibility for the game’s improvement can foster stronger bonds between players and developers.

Epic’s Bug Reporting Channels

Epic has provided us with accessible channels for bug reporting in Fortnite Creative. You will find that there are multiple ways to report issues, each with its unique benefits!

1. The Epic Developer Community Forum

The public nature of this forum allows all reports made to be viewed, voted on, and commented on by other developers. This interaction can emphasize the importance of an issue if several developers are experiencing the same problem. It also serves as a valuable resource for developers to check on existing bug reports and possible solutions. Check out the EDC Bug Reporting Forum here.

2. The Bug Reporting Form

This form offers a direct, private channel to Epic Games Support. Here, Fortnite Creative developers can submit confidential reports, complete with any necessary media, directly to Epic for further investigation. You can access the Epic Bugs Reporting form here. (Thank you @Twin01 for providing me the updated link for this)

3. In-Session Reporting in Unreal Editor

For those using the Unreal Editor for game development, there is an option to report bugs directly during an editing session. This immediate reporting tool can be particularly useful for capturing real-time errors as they occur.

Bug Reporting Helps the Community Thrive

Bug reporting is a vital aspect of game development that enhances the overall gaming experience. Players’ active involvement in this process not only helps developers in refining and improving the game but also fosters a strong sense of community. So, the next time you encounter a bug during your Fortnite Creative session, remember the importance of reporting it. You’ll be joining a collaborative effort that uplifts the entire Fortnite community, creating a winning experience for yourself, the developers, and fellow players alike!

Which platform do you prefer to use? EDC Forums, Submission Form or Reporting Directly in Unreal Editor? Drop a comment below! Keep in mind there is no right or wrong way.

Keep Inspiring!


This was written by Dragon for FCHQ and originally published on the FCHQ APP

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