ARTexture get raw data crash on android

//run here crash
FTexturePlatformData* data1 = artexture->GetRunningPlatformData();
if (data1 == nullptr)
int32 width = data1->SizeX;
int32 height = data1->SizeY;
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("width:%d height:%d "), width, height);
int32 mem_len = width * height * 4;
uint8* rawData = new uint8[mem_len];
void* raw = data1->Mips[0].BulkData.Lock(LOCK_READ_ONLY);
FMemory::Memcpy(rawData, raw, mem_len);

I was found the artexture->GetRunningPlatformData() this define in UTexture is return NULL;
so i can’t get the platformdata anymore…
how can i get the raw data from ARTexture…