Arrays variables and blueprints

I have a more open ended question but i was hoping some one could explain the process od arrays in UE4.
See i gather arrays are lists/stacks(wrong term) of variables of one sort or another.

I really want to know the process of how to create an array that you will fill with different variables every .
How do you call a specific variable in an array using blueprints.How do then change it later with out changing the other variables in the list.

I find that its difficult to understand the process of using blueprints in regards to loops and arrays with specific data sorting.

I know i can use C++ which is great and more straight forward but i want to be able to do it in blueprints.

Also are their vectors in blueprints ? with the whole -element number ,back,clear,empty,front,propback,size ? is there a unique to blueprints way to modify them if so what is it ?


Are you looking for the same Var stored, example INT, or would you like it to hald a INT, FLOAT and a STRING?

Isn’t there self exploatory? You make array variable and you can do various operatiosn on it listed here:

I you want to loop thru there ForEach node (i can find it in Blueprint API refrence but it’s there) which works the same as While node, just loop for each item. There seem there no sorting utilities in blueprint exposed, probably because it hard to implement compare equalization in it, but you can do that in C++.

Also UE4 don’t use vector, it has it own implementation of containers, TArray, TMap, TPair, TSet, etc but only TArray is supported in blueprint… for now at least. here list of all C++ classes related to containers:

Thanks you.

Cheers for the help.