Array location

Hey all!

I have an array in which I have several static meshes. I want those static meshes to drop down on the Z axis. But when I check it right now it will drop them all right on top of each other. I want their current location in the scene to be where they ‘drop’ in. Is there a way to do this?

Right now I know they will take the location of static mesh 0, but I’m not sure how to set it up in such a way that they all drop in the current place I have them in in the scene.

Something like this will do it ( untested ):

Bit of a mare, which is why it’s better to use blueprints, and not rely on the level blueprint :slight_smile:

If you use blueprints, you only have to write one example, and then you can just put loads of them in the level. Tweaking the mesh and drop amount etc is then a breeze.

If I do it with blueprints, all I need is:


Incidentally, you might have wanted this effect:


In which case, all you need is:
