Array index out of bounds: 1331090944 from an array of size 48

For some reason, this piece of c++ is causing the editor to crash and after digging through the logs, I found this error that I believe is causing the crash. There are 48 actors in the array FoundActors.

LogWindows: Error: Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:E:\UE4\UE_4.18\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers/Array.h] [Line: 610] 
LogWindows: Error: Array index out of bounds: 1331090944 from an array of size 48

The code I’m talking about is this:

void UCustomBP::GetClosestChosenActor(APawn* AiPawn, UClass* classToFind, AActor* &TargetActor, FVector &TargetVector) {
	float lastDistanceToWall = 10000;
	int WallIndex;
	UWorld* World = AiPawn->GetWorld();
	TArray<AActor*> FoundActors;
	UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass(World, classToFind, FoundActors);
	if (FoundActors.Num() >= 2) {
		for (int Actors = 0; Actors < FoundActors.Num(); ++Actors)
			float DistanceToWall = AiPawn->GetDistanceTo(FoundActors[Actors]);
			if (DistanceToWall < lastDistanceToWall) {
				lastDistanceToWall = DistanceToWall;
				WallIndex = Actors;
			if (Actors + 1 == FoundActors.Num()) {
				TargetActor = FoundActors[WallIndex];
				TargetVector = FoundActors[WallIndex]->GetActorLocation();
	else {
		TargetActor = FoundActors[0];
		TargetVector = FoundActors[0]->GetActorLocation();

Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong.