Array in custom C++ events for Blueprint

I’m trying to output an array from a custom event that I made in C++ but when I add in the array it never shows up in Blueprint.


Switch it to blueprintcallable and no problem. Switch it to an int is also fine.

What is the correct C++ .h to make this work? Is it possible?

	UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "SteamFunctions")
		void LeaderboardScoresFound(TArray<int32>& Scores);
	    virtual void LeaderboardScoresFound_Implementation(TArray<int32>& Scores);

the only difference is the “const” which CAN’T be used in the implementation

UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "SteamFunctions")
		void LeaderboardScoresFound(const TArray<int>& scores);
	    virtual void LeaderboardScoresFound_Implementation(TArray<int>& scores);
