ARKit Mac Remote Build Failing - Remote certificates not found, even though they're in required keychains

Hi Everybody,

I’m having some difficulty deploying the ARKit ARSample project to an iOS device from Unreal 4.17.2 on Windows 10.

I’ve successfully:

However, development fails with the following message:

PackagingResults: Error: Deployment failed! Failed to sign executable.  Make sure your developer certificates have been installed in the System Keychain on the remote Mac.

From what I’ve seen on other posts this is usually due to either not installing the certificates on both keychains, or not setting them to ‘Always Trust’.

I feel like the issue may be with XCode, as the certificates shown under Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > Manage Certificates… do not appear to be the same as the ones I generated through the Apple Developer site.

My questions are:

Do the certificates

  • Do the certificates tied to my account in Xcode need to be the same as the ones set in Unreal’s project settings, and the ones on the keychain?
  • Have I done things in the correct order, or is it best to set up the certificates on the Mac side, then migrate these across to the Windows PC?

Thanks in advance for any help or clues - my Mac skills are not strong and this is very frustrating!



Yes, the certificates need to be the same on both machines. However, I thought that the latest version of 4.17 fixed the need to manually install the certificates into the Mac Keychain and took care of that through Unreal… I’d try just moving your PC certificates into you XCode. Failing that, try removing everything and re-downloading them again from scratch (I had to do that a few times when I was getting my remote build set up).

Sorry, just checked - the new removal of separate Keychain signing is in 4.18, not 4.17. Sorry! :confused:

Hey, no worries - thanks for the answer!

4.18 is out now, so I’ll scrap all my provisioning, start over and see how it goes. Will post back with any insights or solutions in case others are stuck.


EDIT: Confirmed that upgrading to 4.18 fixed my issue! I went through the usual certificate and provisioning setup via IPP packager, hooked it up to the new 4.18 ARSample project and it deployed flawlessly first time. I didn’t need to change anything at all on the Mac.